Meredith Insurance Agency and Co-Operative Insurance Make $4,000 Donation
Holiday Donation to New Beginnings – Without Violence & Abuse

Pictured: Shauna Foster, Executive Director of New Beginnings receiving a holiday donation from Ted Fodero, Manager at Meredith Insurance Agency.
[12/14/22] Our agency is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Co-operative Insurance Companies to make a $4,000 holiday donation to New Beginnings – Without Violence & Abuse in Laconia, NH.
New Beginnings is dedicated to ending sexual, domestic, and stalking violence through the provision of safe and effective services. In 1991 when the organization opened their shelter doors, they quickly became a safe haven for battered women. Today they serve over 900 individuals each year and continue to push their work to greater heights by serving more diverse communities, aiding in prevention, and providing an array of programs to the children of victims/survivors.
“It is our understanding that getting women, men, and children out of violent or abusive environments is just one step in that individual’s journey,” Said Ted Fodero of Meredith Insurance Agency. “The challenge of rebuilding their lives could seem too daunting without the aid and support of organizations like New Beginnings, and similar violence prevention and crisis intervention providers they work with throughout New Hampshire.”
According to the NH Violence Against Women Survey, it is estimated that 166,131 women in New Hampshire have experienced physical assault by an intimate partner; a staggering 33.4% of women in NH. That is to say, New Hampshire communities need the work of non-profits like New Beginnings in the fight against inequality, oppression, violence, and abuse in our society. Meredith Insurance and Co-Operative Insurance hope people will ask themselves what these organizations need in return.
In addition to donations, they have many volunteer opportunities and happen to be looking to fill a vacancy on their board of directors. If you want to make a very real difference this holiday season and into the new year, explore ways to get involved with New Beginnings in Laconia NH:
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